Saturday, December 28, 2019

Statutory Rape A Legal Matter - 2047 Words

Statutory rape is a legal matter in which an individual has sexual intercourse with a minor. Although the statutory rape law is to protect any individual from being sexually abused by an older individual sexual assault is mainly geared towards protecting women. Even though having sex with a minor is illegal it is possible in some states to have sex with a minor with valid consent. If an individual is caught having sexual intercourse with a minor the penalties may result in serving time in a state penitentiary or a correctional facility. Statutory rape is patronizing to girls and recriminating to boys because, many individuals believe that girls do not have the mental composite to consent to sexual activities, but boys have uncontrollable†¦show more content†¦The law also protects children under the age of 12, which would result in the defendant being charged with rape. â€Å"The number of men serving within prisons for statutory rape has a big difference between the amount of women serving prison time for statutory rape. There are hardly any women reported or sued for the same crime. The law does hold the same penalty for both sexes for statutory rape† (Russell 507). Basically, the majority of individuals argue that the statutory rape laws are patronizing to the girls and discriminatory to the boys. There have been many reasons proving this may be true. Although statutory rape laws are not only to protect women, but also men from sexual abuse, there have been many times that boys have been sexually abused by females and it has been ignored. This shows that statutory rape laws discriminate towards boys. Most times statutory rape cases are charged against young teens which means that young teens should be taught at an early age that sexual activity is not only wrong, but also illegal because, Instead of charging these young teenagers with a statutory rape crime they should be provided with counseling rather than imprisonment or being labeled as a sex offender for the rest of their lives. Although the laws for statutory rape are discriminating towards boys and patronizing towards girls it may not always be the boys fault because,

Friday, December 20, 2019

Attachment A Deep And Enduring Emotional Bond - 1313 Words

Attachment: An Analysis â€Å"Attachment is a deep and enduring emotional bond that connects one person to another across time and space’’ Mary Ainsworth (1973) In this essay I will explore the meaning and purpose of attachment and discuss research into attachment concentrating on John Bowlby’s 1944 â€Å"44 thieves† study conducted to test his maternal deprivation theory and Schaffer Emerson’s 1964 â€Å" Glasgow babies† study. There are two approaches to attachment; evolutionary theory and behavioural theory, and for the purposes of this essay I will focus largely on the evolutionary school of thought. Attachments are intrinsic to a child’s development both in the short term and for the duration of their lives. Infants have an innate need to develop an attachment with their mother to ensure their survival and are equipped with evolutionary characteristics called social releasers; physical social releasers such as large eyes and a small chin are found to be more aesthetically pleasing to the parents so they are more likely to care for them and behavioural social releasers for example, crying; very young infants typically only cry if they re hungry, cold or in pain (Gross 2015 p535) this alerts the parents to an infants immediate need. At around 7 or 8 months of age children begin to make specific attachments for reasons other than survival, children display proximity maintaining behaviour normally with the mother,Show MoreRelatedHow Do Attachments in Early Childhood Can Have Positive and Negative Consequences?1363 Words   |  6 Pages Maccoby defines attachment as `a relatively enduring emotional tie to a specific other person. Human infants seem to have an innate sense of willingness to form attachment relationships almost instantly. This bonding is naturally a two way process. One of the most influential psychologists in the field of attachments is John Bowlby. Bowlby performed his elementary psychological studies in the late 1960s, which undoubtedly caused a stir amongst close families and the setting of the timesRead MoreSecure Attachment Relationship Between Young Children And Their Families898 Words   |  4 PagesSecure Attachment Relationship The mother is usually the first and primary object of attachment for an infant, but in many cultures, babies become just as attached to their fathers, siblings, and grandparents. When infants are attached to their caregivers, they gain a secure base from which babies can explore their environment and a haven of safety to return to when they are afraid. Attachment begins with physical touching and cuddling between infant and parent. Some babies become secure or insecureRead MoreTheories Of Developmental Psychology : Attachment Theory1178 Words   |  5 PagesDescribe and evaluate two theories in developmental psychology Attachment theory, it refers to an affectionate bond. â€Å"A relatively extended and enduring connection with the partner is important as a unique individual is interchangeable with no other† Ainsworth (1989) cited in Gross (2003) hand out in class (03/06/2013).The aim of this attachment is for the infant to remain in close proximity to the attachment figure as she is considered the secure base and the infant would become distressed on separationRead MorePsychological Impacts Of Attachment Disorder1311 Words   |  6 PagesPsychological Impacts of Attachment Disorder The theory of attachment was originally developed by John Bowlby, a British psychoanalyst who was attempting to understand the extreme anguish experienced by infants who had been estranged from their parents. Attachment is the term developmental psychologists use to describe the emotional bond between infants and one or more adults. Attachment is like a security blanket. It allows infants to venture out and explore, returning to the adult as a placeRead MoreAttachment Between An Infant And A Caregiver1278 Words   |  6 PagesAmbivalent and Disorganized Attachment Theories Attachment between an Infant and a Caregiver Human nature has evolved in ways that allow for people to develop deep connections with one another. These connections are always extremely vulnerable in the very early stages of our infancy. From the moment we are born, we innately seek to forge an attachment with our caregivers; mostly because without it, we would not survive. Evidently, we are biologically programmed to bond with our mothers (or closestRead MoreSeparation And Divorce : Common Phenomena1429 Words   |  6 Pagescomes with it. Separation can destabilize the inclination that the globe or the world is safe and predictable. For young people and children, particularly younger children, the family is their world. It is the fundamental structure for providing the emotional, physical and social framework they need to develop an understanding of who they are. Children might face many losses including the loss of the family they once knew, they may loose time with parent, extended family, their family home, a pet, theyRead MoreDevelopmental Psychology and Key Person Essay1139 Words   |  5 Pageswho are still not settled in can show a different set of behaviours which are akin to depression, including withdrawal, apathy, or total compliance and be under significant stress. As above, it is important to be aware that children have enduring attachment needs and this means that the key person needs to spend time with their key child on a day to day basis. CYPOP1-3.2 Explain how babies and young children learn and develop best from a basis of loving, secure relationships with carers andRead MoreDevelopmental Psychology: Never Let Me Go Essay1048 Words   |  5 Pagesthe book, are their parents. Yet, the guardians raise the kids in a very particular way. The guardians are not affectionate towards the children, as most parents would be, and they raise them in an extremely structured setting. The guardians do not bond with the children because, although the guardians at Hailsham believe the kids are more than just clones, society still looks at them as creatures. The way the guardians raise the children at Hailsham is proved to us, as the story progresses, thatRead MoreThe Theory Of Developmental Psychology1336 Words   |  6 PagesDevelopmental psychology is viewed as different approaches which aims to look at how children and adults develop. Theories such as Bowlby s attachment theory can explain how a child s development can be alter ed by their attachment, thus leading to the ideology of the nature vs nurture debate, nature referring to the process of biological maturation while nurture is referring to the impact of the environment or surroundings, which involves the idea that a person learns through experiences. (McLeodRead MoreAttachment Styles And Its Effect On Adult Romantic Relationships1739 Words   |  7 PagesAttachment Styles and its Effect on Adult Romantic Relationships Attachment is a deep and enduring emotional bond that connects a caregiver to their child. The relationship between the caregiver and the child plays a vital role in the child’s behavior, mind, and emotions at any time in their life, from child to adulthood. A child’s attachment style is developed through childhood experiences. Depending on the style of attachment influences how a person reacts to their needs and how they go about

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Departmentalization free essay sample

Discuss the factors that influence a firm’s organizational structure. Explain specialization and departmentalization as two of the building blocks of organizational structure. Describe centralization and decentralization, delegation, and authority as the key ingredients in establishing the decision-making hierarchy. Explain the differences among functional, divisional, matrix, and international organizational structures and describe the most popular new forms of organizational design. Describe the informal organization and discuss intrapreneuring. For years, the Sara Lee Corporation grew by buying an amalgam of different businesses and piecing them together under its corporate umbrella. And for years, the firm’s senior managers have struggled with how best to structure the various Sara Lee holdings. One former long-term CEO, John Bryan, presided over growth that took Sara Lee far beyond   its foundation in food products to encompass dozens of business lines—everything from cake mixes to insecticide to lingerie. The various businesses were acquisitions, but their original managers still controlled each one as if it were a separate company. We will write a custom essay sample on Departmentalization or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Hence, each business retained its own legal department, human resource staff, administrative units, accounting departments, and so forth. Calculating the cost of all this duplication, Bryan reached the conclusion that the company could not afford such high costs at a time when price compe—Consumer-products analyst on one of the drawbacks tition was heating up. In an effort to fix things, starting in 1997, Bryan of extensive reorganization sold or eliminated about one-quarter of the firm’s 200 products. He cut redundant factories and the workforce, reduced the number of products, and standardized companywide processes. His goal was to remove Sara Lee from manufacturing while strengthening its focus and effectiveness as a marketer. In the meantime, though, he continued to acquire rival firms in order to sustain the company’s growth. However, despite Bryan’s efforts, Sara Lee still suffered from high costs and remained unfocused and inefficient. Said one industry analyst about Bryan’s strategy: â€Å"Sometimes, the more chairs you move around, the more dust you see behind the chairs. In 2000, Bryan retired and was replaced by C. Steven McMillan. McMillan knew that Bryan’s moves had had little impact on the firm’s performance and that he himself would need to start making some big changes. Borrowing a page from rival Kraft Foods, he began by merging the sales forces that specialized in various brands to create smaller, 173 Sometimes, the more chairs you move around, the more dust you see behind the chairs. The Business of Managing customer-focused teams. In meats alone, for instance, Sara Lee had 10 different brands, including Ball Park, Hillshire Farms, Bryan, and Jimmy Dean. So if you’re . . . a Kroger or a Safeway [supermarket],† explained McMillan, â€Å"you’ve got to deal with 10 different organizations and multiple invoices. † The new customer-focused teams reduced duplication and were more convenient for buyers—a win-win situation. National retailers responded by increasing their orders for Sara Lee products. McMillan also centralized decision making at the firm by shutting down 50 weaker regional brands and reorganizing the firm into three broad product categories: Food and Beverage, Intimates and Underwear, and Household Products. He abolished several layers of corporate hierarchy, including many of the middle managers the firm had inherited from its acquisitions. He created category managers to oversee related lines of business, and the flattened organizational structure led to improved accountability and more centralized control over Sara Lee’s far-flung operations. McMillan also borrowed some tactics from his predecessor, selling 15 businesses, including Coach leather goods, and laying off 10 percent of his workers. In another move that was widely questioned by industry observers, he paid $2. 8 billion for breadmaker Earthgrains. The move increased Sara Lee’s market share in baked goods, but many observers felt that McMillan paid too much for a small potential return.  ¦ Our opening story continues on page. Sara Lee has been undergoing changes over the past several years, most of them aimed at improving the organization’s structure. As a result, people who work for Sara Lee have had to continually work to understand their â€Å"place† in the organization. By understanding the material in this chapter, you’ll also be prepared to understand your â€Å"place† in the organization that employs you. Similarly, as a boss or owner, you’ll be better equipped to create the optimal structure for your own organization. This chapter examines factors that influence a firm’s organizational structure. We discuss the building blocks of organizational structure as well as the differences between decision making in different types of organizations. Along the way, we look at a variety of organizational structures and describe the most popular new forms of organizational design.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Metaphysical Poetry free essay sample

Metaphysical Poetry The term ‘metaphysical poets’ came into being long after the the poets, to whom it is applied, were dead. What later came to be known as ‘metaphysical poetry’ was referred to, by contemporaries, as ‘strong lived’- a term which meant something more than the poet’s fondness for indulging in nice speculations of philosophy. A metaphysical poem tends to be brief, and is always closely woven. Marvell, under the metaphor of a Coronet characterizes his own art precisely in The Coronet, when he speaks of a ‘curious fume’ in which the flowers are set with skills and chosen out with care . Concentration and a sinewy strength of style are distinctive marks of Donne’s poetry. A stanza from Donne or Herbert is like a limiting frame in which words and thoughts are compressed, ‘a box where sweets compacted lie’ . The other characteristic of metaphysical poetry, its most immediately striking feature is its fondness for conceits. We will write a custom essay sample on Metaphysical Poetry or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A conceit is a comparison whose ingenuity is more striking. All comparisons discover likeness in things unlike a comparison because a conceit when we are made to concede likeness while being strongly conscious of unlikeness.In a metaphysical poem, conceits are instruments of definition. In an argument or instruments to persuade. The poem has something to say which the conceit helps to forward. The metaphysical conceit aims at making us concede aptness while admiring ingenuity. Thus in one of the most famous of all metaphysical conceits, the comparison of the union is absence of two lovers with the relation between the two legs of compass, Donne sustains the comparison through the whole process of drawing a circle. Donne, in fact tries to give a proof by analogy of their union and thereby finally persuade his mistress not to mourn. The whole frame of the poem’, Donne believes, ‘is a beating out of a piece of gold’. Arguments and persuasions and the use of conceit as their instrument, are the elements or body of a metaphysical poem. A reader of metaphysical poetry may at times, explain: â€Å"who would ever think such a thought in such a situation? † He will probably never explain : â€Å"who can imagine himself in such a situation? †. Dryden praised Donne for expressing deep thought in common language. He is usually remarkable for having extraordinary thoughts in ordinary situations.The ‘metaphysical poems’ do not necessarily or always draw upon metaphysics or profound philosophy. The term, in fact, was coined by Dr. Johnson as a negative compliment to the poets of the seventeenth century. Johnson probably took offense at their violent yoking of unlike ideas and images and their staining after intellectualistic, Johnson disliked, what one might call, their ironic detachment, their lack of uniform sentiment, their refusal to allow the reader to identify himself emotionally, with the speaker.The metaphysical poets didn’t live up to demands for smoothness of versification and beauty of sound which Johnson admired in Pope. The only good Johnson could find in them is some intellectual labor, learning and ingenuity or Johnson could never agree that after the dissociation, these poets could put the material together again in a new unity. There is Mr.Eliot on the other hand who believes that the poets of the 17th century possessed a mechanism of sensibility which could devour any kind of experience and it’s probably, this quality of the ‘metaphysical poets’ which has really inspired the poets of our age to go back to these poets for a rediscovery. One really finds it very difficult to make a very sharp classification among the poets of 17th century. All of them- Donne, Herbert, Gashaw, Vaugham, Marvell have certain qualities in common and still they all retain certain qualities which are particularly their own. To be continued†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Artifical Intelligence Essays - Computational Neuroscience

Artifical Intelligence Essays - Computational Neuroscience Artifical Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence is a highly debatable topic. You either believe that it may be achieved or think it can't, and the middle is a little shady. Artificial Intelligence is the study to create a machine that can act like a human brain, including emotions, and consciousness. This speech will cover the subject of if it can ever be achieved and at what level. This would be a giant technological step. If it is ever achieved, everyday activities such as vacuuming, or laundry, would become automated. The leader in the field of AI is actually not a business, but MIT's Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. It does more ground breaking research in the all fields of AI, including robotics and neural networks, than any other facility in the world. First I will describe the different techniques and fields that fall under AI. The first technique that is used to create intelligent systems is the top-down approach. That is when the computer is given a written set of directions such as IF that is red, THEN go forward and it will go from there according to the program. This technique was widely used back in the 1950's when AI was still a mysterious subject, but it has major flaws. To write complex programs that take in all their surroundings would take hundreds of thousands of lines of code, which no one has the time to write. The newest technique that is being used is bottom-up. That is the arrangement of data into a complex system where all information is connected, like a brain, which is why it is also referred to as a neural network. It is extremely complex and confusing at some points, so I won't describe it here, but you don't need to understand it to answer the question at hand. There are also many different fields of study that fall under AI. The first field that I'll talk about is robotics. This field has been prospering in the '90's. It is not so much the engineering for the robots that is causing the standstill in functionality of these machines, but the computers that control what they do, which is the problem with all forms of AI right now. There is also database processing, which works with the way that a computer sorts and retrieves information. And intelligent software agents that can tell you when to buy and sell stock among many other things. But, what this speech mainly focuses on is the theory behind all this, which has its own field. There are four categories of viewpoints that one may have on this topic. A. All thinking is computation; in particular, feelings of conscious awareness are evoked merely by the carrying out of appropriate computations. B. Awareness is a feature of the brain's physical action; and whereas any physical action can be simulated computationally, computational simulation cannot by itself evoke awareness. C. Appropriate physical action of the brain evokes awareness, but that physical action cannot even be properly simulated computationally. D. Awareness cannot be explained by physical, computational, or any other scientific terms. Penrose 12 All that says is that it all depends if the brain functions computationally or physically (chemical reactions) and whether or not you believe that either of those can be simulated by a machine or biological creation of some kind. We will be dealing with viewpoint A and D. If you believe in viewpoint A than you believe that computers can become aware of their surroundings. The word aware means that it can take in its whole surroundings and make judgments and actions for itself, which a giant leap from where AI is at now. It really depends on how you view how the brain functions. Research is being done by neurobiologists to unlock the secret of how the brain works. It could function by computation or chemical reactions, no one is really sure. If you think that it is all done computationally, and that humans can simulate it in a machine of some sort than you believe in A. A is an implication of a highly operational attitude to science, where, also, the physical world is taken to operate entirely computational. Penrose 13. There has been no evidence that supports or denies this viewpoint because the secret of how the brain works has not been solved, yet. The viewpoint D, on the other hand totally rejects the whole idea that computers, or any machine can achieve any form of intelligence that may be mistaken for human action. The main reason for believers in this category is from the work of a German mathematician named Kurt Goedel. He was

Sunday, November 24, 2019


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Thursday, November 21, 2019

Landmark Decisions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Landmark Decisions - Essay Example Maine was admitted as a free state, so the Senate remained equally stacked between free and slave states. Ostensibly, the line drawn at 36 degrees 30 feet of the territories acquired in the Louisiana Purchase would forever preclude slavery from existing within their boundaries. Three decades later, on May 30, 1854, Congress passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and the controversy over slavery in the territories was reopened. Congress tried repeatedly to organize a single territory for the area west of Missouri and Iowa, but was unsuccessful. Stephen O. Douglas of Illinois introduced a bill dividing the land into two territories. His proposal left the issue of free state or slave state up to the people. Thus, ushering in the concept of â€Å"popular sovereignty†. Paul Finkelman in Dred Scott v. Sanford, A Brief History with Documents, describes the debates, the bickering and how the displeasure fermented among the pro and anti-slavery proponents, as the residents of Kansas became vi olently divided over the free state or slave state issue. He goes on to describe how the concept of â€Å"popular sovereignty†, was proving to be a nemesis, as the pro slavery and anti slavery proponents engaged each other in many guerilla warfare battles. He speaks of how Kansas became known as â€Å"bleeding Kansas†. (Finkelman)

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Reflection essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Reflection - Essay Example ry to the popular belief that the Filipino Amerasian children live prosperous lives in the Philippines since the country does not have anti-American sentiment. Whether or not a country nurtures anti-American sentiment provides no guarantee that its citizens would not be discriminated against if they look like Americans. The Filipino Amerasian children are socially outcast as they are identified with their American lineage instead of the Filipino lineage. The government of the US assumes moral responsibility to help the Filipino Amerasian children and provide them with the opportunity to migrate to the US. This can be achieved by preferring them on immigration services. Realization of any plans made in this regard requires joint cooperation of the Filipino people, the local governments of the Philippines, and the government of the US. It is noteworthy that the problem is not addressed just by providing these children with a way to reach the US; these children also need to be linked to their biological American fathers which is another challenge after the children reach the US. In order for the children to sue their fathers for child support, they need to know their fathers. Enforcement of child support is a matter primarily taken care of by state. Unfortunately, most states do not enforce the child-support payments ordered by court effectively. This imparts the need for providing these children with the opportunity to pursue redress at the federal level. It is just as important to address the issue at the source as it is to address it at the level of effects. American soldiers are still stationed overseas. It is important to see what steps the government of the US has taken to ensure that such biracial children with lost American fathers are not born to another nation like they were born to the Filipinos. Either the government should place a ban on the American soldiers having sexual intercourse with the local people or prostitutes of the host countries and

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Strategic 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Strategic 2 - Essay Example Automobile manufacturers’ sales proved the most lucrative for the global automobiles industry in 2008, generating total revenues of $1,698.5 billion, equivalent to 95.19% of the industry's overall value. In comparison, sales of motorcycles generated revenues of $85.8 billion in 2008, equating to 4.81% of the industry's aggregate revenues. The performance of the industry is forecast to accelerate, with an anticipated CAGR of 4.5% for the five-year period 2008-2013, which is expected to drive the industry to a value of $2,220 billion by the end of 2013. 1) Threat of New Entrants: A tremendous increase in raw material costs in recent years has resulted in pressure on both market players and suppliers. The diverse markets in which suppliers operate have reduced their reliance on the automobile industry. Barriers such as stern government regulations, high fixed costs and exit barriers hinder new entrants to the market. Competition in the industry has increased as a result of econom ic downturn. 2) Bargaining Power of Suppliers: Suppliers such as steel and aluminum manufacturers are often large companies who supply to a wide variety of industries, reducing their dependence on the automobile manufacture market.

Friday, November 15, 2019

A case study of NPower, a leading energy supplier in United Kingdom

A case study of NPower, a leading energy supplier in United Kingdom In the past the training and development approaches were not followed by many organizations. It was believed that the managers or leaders are born not made. Activities of training the employees were considered the wastage of time and resources. However, with the passage of time it was understood by the theorists and the organizations themselves that training and development is very important for human resource building. Now training and development is one of the important functions of human resource management. Training is not considered as a cost rather it is considered as investment on the employees which ultimately become the assets of an organization (Beardwell, 2004). Different methods and techniques are available to train and develop the human resource and those methods and techniques are modernized with critical analysis and their effect on human behaviors. There is one way to train the employees is to give them theoretical knowledge about the skills and give them an understanding of theories and procedures developed by different big organizations and theorists. This type of training and development comes under cognitive approach which majorly focuses on lectures, discussion, demonstrations etc. However the case company, npower does not follow this approach as they believe more in practical training rather than verbal or written training. Npower train their employees in real time working conditions where they understand the skills and adapt them and implement them on their job in the same time. This allows more sold grasps on the concepts and techniques as bookish knowledge might be different from the practical knowledge. And this also does not allow the generation of any conflict between the bookish knowledge and its practical implementation. This type of training and development comes under behavioral methods. Npower puts the responsibilities on the employees shoulders and delegates the decision making power to their employees which give them a sense that they are the part of the organization. In this way the employees feel more responsibility on their shoulders and this enhances their leadership skills and capabilities. The company involves the employees of all levels in the decision making process as they trust the competencies of their staff. The decision making power is delegated to all levels depending upon the criticality of the decision and the risk associated with it. The strategic decisions which involve high risk are the responsibility of the top management. As designing and implementing the strategies gives a direction to all the organization and it is very important to show a right direction to the organization otherwise the whole venture will be a complete failure. After the strategically decision, comes the tactical decision which is required to be made for the proper implementation of strategies decided by the top level executives. Tactical decision is at the discretion of the managers. This is because it involves fewer risks as compared to the strategic decisions. Managers are in a better position to take such decision because they understand the strengths and weaknesses of their team members. This allows the managers to learn the analytical and managerial skills and furthermore the skill of taking strategy in to implementation phase. The next level of decisions is the operational decisions which are delegated to the low level employees. For instance an employee does not have to wait for the approval of his manager if he finds that a part of a machine is required to be changed. Such type of operational decision is taken by the employees themselves and this increases their operational skill and knowledge. In this way npower delegates the decision making power at different levels and provides a platform of learning and development of the skills of their employees. This enables the organization to build a force of skilled human resource that gives them a competitive advantage over the others in the market. Training and Development Theories and Npower Approach Competitive advantage is referred to that ability of an organization which is not possessed by the other organizations and it is a competitive advantage which leads the organization to the top positions. There are many organizations in the world who are leading the markets by gaining competitive advantage in different fields of their business activities. One of the way in which a firm can attain a competitive advantage over the competitors is by building a force of superior human resource (Beardwell, 2004). Now the question arises that how this force of superior human resource can be build. The answer lies in a very important function of human resource management i.e. training and development. It has been observed that the employees or labor working in a competitive environment of market always welcome the training and development programs which can enhance their skills and knowledge (Davis Bostrom, 1993). Now days every job holder understands that to sustain and grow in the career it is very important to polish their skills. It is not that time where one degree or diploma is sufficient for the whole life. Employees actively participate in several programs which are organized by their organization and it has been observed that in some organization employees demand from their human resource department to arrange such training and development programs. Successful organization of today has built their human resource work force over the passage of time. There is no doubt that this work force is a highly valuable asset for any organization and the only possible way to build this workforce is training and development (Barney, 1986). There are several theories available in literature which emphasize on the importance of training and development in the organization and provides different alternative methods for training and development. A discussion of four major theories of training and development is given below. Theory of reinforcement This theory emphasizes on the learning behavior of a person and suggests that the learner will repeat that behavior which is attached with a positive outcome or result. Skinner an economist of behaviorist school of thought proposed the theory of reinforcement and suggested that the training and development programs should be aligned with the organizational objectives and a positive outcome should be expected with such training and development programs. Further elaborating this concept suggested in reinforcement theory, it can be argued that there are several techniques available in human resource practices which can be associated with the training and development programs and the required suggestion by this theory can be fulfilled. Different types of rewards in the form of bonuses, salary raises, promotion and awarding of certificate after the training program can be associated with the training and development activities and these rewards will definitely gen erate a positive outcome. If this is done by an organization then according to the Skinners theory of reinforcement the trainer i.e. the employee will show more interest in the training and development programs held by the organization. Theory of Learning Types The theory presented by Gagne emphasized on learning of intellectual skills. These are such skills which are found rare among the persons. He suggested by different learning types in his theory and each learning type contains some external and internal conditions. The five categories of learning which Gagne defined in his theory include intellectual skills, verbal information, attitudes, cognitive strategies and motor skills. Theory of Experiential Learning Experiential and cognitive types of learning are differentiated by experiential theory of learning presented by C. Rogers. According to Rogers, the wants and needs of the learner are addressed by this type of learning. Experience gives the person a maturity and increases the learning power along with the knowledge. Due to the personal involvement, the learner is able to conduct a self-evaluation test, which allows him to understand the effect of learning on his/her attitude. The case company npower seems to follow this theory as the company puts an engineer in different working conditions and allows him to understand different fields of work. This helps the employee to gain experience and that person skills grow by gaining experience with the passage of time. Theory of Social Learning Social theory presents a new view of learning i.e. social. According to the presenter of this theory, Albert Bandura, direct reinforcement cannot address all types of learning. Here by direct enforcement means the training and development programs that is organized to enhance the skills. According to this theory such programs are not address all learning types as there are some social elements which cannot be taught. Those elements are learned by the leaner from his/her surroundings. Such type of learning is called observational learning and this learning is associated with the understanding of different human behaviors. The first type of learning defined in this theory is through observation. In an organization the environment and the surroundings plays a very important role. The environment should be very professional and the surroundings should be in such a way that the people (employees) learn from them. This theory also suggests that it is not necessar y that the behavior is changed after learning something. It is expected that a persons behavior changes after learning something, but it is not in all cases. Furthermore the theory also explains about the mental states which play a vital role in learning process. If the mental status of the person is negative regarding any learning activity then he will not take part in that learning process and even if he is forced to do so, he will not gain any positivity from that process. In organizational training programs the mental state can be made positive regarding the training and development programs by associating the rewards and benefits with such programs which will motivate the employees and help to build a positive mental state. The case company also follow this theory as it allows the employees to learn from the surrounding and provides an environment where they can learn from their supervisors/managers and coworkers. Change Management and Human Resource Management For the organizations throughout the world, constant change has become a necessity for the success and growth. Due to the intense competition in the market organization find them in a continuous process of change in order to cope up with the market and customer needs (Chandler, 1992). In this way change management has become a permanent function or activity of any business. Many organizations increase their effectiveness by using change strategically. However, for an effective change in an organization it is required that proper thoughtful planning is done and the employees acceptance is taken by properly communicating the benefits of change to the employees. Human resource department should be involved form the initial phase of change process (Beardwell, 2004). Change in the organization brings the impact on the minds of the employees and the change in employees attitudes cannot be neglected in this process which should be the prime responsibility of HR department to manage and to m ake that impact on the minds of the employees positive (Buchanan Hucczynski, 1991). It has been observed in different organizations where the change has been brought by the management, that many of the people are uncomfortable with the change. So human resource management functions should be facilitating the change management in the organization and should focus on the removal of those discomforts among the employees brought by the change process. Human resource department should ensure that the reasons and benefits of the change process are properly communicated to all the employees and all the employees are clear about the change process. For effective change process implementation it is very important that employee resistance should not be there and employee resistance majorly occurs when they are not clear about the process and the benefit of the change (Buchanan Hucczynski, 1991). Simply imposing the change in the organization will not result in the effective and successful c hange implementation. Furthermore, this will impose a bad impact on the employees mind and will affect the performance of the employees as the employees will have to work in the new changed environment forcefully and it is very much understood that desired outcomes and results cannot be taken by force. Human resource should be actively involved in the change process and this will bring a real change in the organization. The case company npower, engages it employees in all the decision making process. In the case study Strategic Spare Parts Project is discussed, which is an example of the employee involvement in the business decisions and polices. So the company considers the employees thoughts and suggestions which are very important for bringing change in the organization. Npowers HRM PESTEL Analysis To identify and evaluate the external forces that can affect the organization directly or indirectly, PESTEL analysis is sued. This tool helps to examine and providing an in-depth analysis of all those forces under different heads which can potentially or currently affect the organization. PESTEL analysis is not only to evaluate the forces that can affect the whole organization; this analytical tool can also be used to identify the forces which affect the specific business units or functions of an organization. The human resource polices of the case company npower are under discussion and a PESTEL analysis is conducted of those external forces or factors which can affect the human reduce policies , practise and procedures of the company. Political Forces RWE npower is a leading organization in United Kingdome providing the energy services to the UK market. At United Kingdome there are different legislations which protect the consumer and employee rights. Furthermore there are laws which are used to maintain a fair competition in the market. So, the change in any kind of law and procedures will affect the human resource policies and practices directly. Furthermore, RWE npower is not only operating in UK, it is a German based organization and operating in different countries. So the changes in the laws and procedures in any country will affect the internal human resource policy of the organization. For a clearer understanding lets consider an example of a law in United Kingdome where the minimum wage rate of a labour is 3.59 pounds per hour. If at any time UK government increases it to 4 pounds per hour or more then HR polices of the company will be affected directly and immediately. Economic Forces Economic factors which can affect the HR policies of the case company can involve the change in inflation rate and the global economic condition (Beardwell, 2004). The change in inflation rate will force the company to follow the laws which suggests the organization to increase the salaries and other benefits according to the inflation rate. On the other hand the economic condition of the country as well as the world also affects the businesses (Kelly, 1999). In the recent global economic recession several organizations were forces to reduce their workforce and a downsizing trend was scene in many big multinationals. Due to globalization where the organizations have to expand in different location across the globe the economic forces and their impact also changes (Rioux, Bernthal, Wellins, 2008). For instance the economic condition in Europe will be much different as compared to economic condition in Asia. So, globalization gave birth to the need of managing several economic factors at different geographical locations. Social Forces Several social factors are there which affect the npowers human resource strategies and polices. To provide the employees and labours with a safe and healthy environment is necessary for every organization operating in United Kingdome. There are several legislations that ensure that each employee or labour is fully insured. So, changes in such legislations and laws immediately affect the human resource policies of the organization operating in United Kingdome. In social factors there is also a factor of globalization that affects the organizational HRM policies. As due to globalization the world is becoming a smaller place to operate. Several organizations are operating worldwide which include several cultural and geographical differences. The organization has to manage those cultural and geographical differences. It is not possible for a multinational cooperation such as npower to maintain a static HRM policy for all it business units across the globe. Each geographic al location has its own norms, believes and culture which have to be recognized by the organization. The human resource policies and procedures should support and correspond to the local employees and market needs (Rioux, Bernthal, Wellins, 2008). For the case company which is operating in different geographical locations the human resources management has to be a strategic function rather than simply an administrative function. The company has to consider the local requirements of the labour and employees and haver to focus on utilizing the exiting local talent in order to save the operational and administrative cost of the organization. Technological Forces Technology is changing very fast. It is very important for an organization operating in competitive business world to automate the human resource function (Beardwell, 2004). The manual working and the procedures are now obsolete as it wastes a lot of time and resources. To be quick and dynamic organization must have to automate their processes. Npowers human resource policies and practices will be affected with the change in the technologies. With the introduction of new technology the demand of the employees and the market increase and if the organization does not match up with the new technology then it will face a problem to retain the experienced and skilled workforce. Environmental Forces The health and safety act of United Kingdom puts a binding on the organization to provide healthy and safe environment to the employees. Environmental forces include mostly the weather changes. Human resource polices are indirectly affected by the environmental changes. Due to the change in weather it is quite possible that the employees have to be provided with different protective suits or air-conditioned plants etc. Legislative Forces The government of United Kingdome have passed different laws and regulations and currently there are several laws and regulations which are to be considered by the case company while designing any human resource policy. United Kingdoms Legal Environment Through law the stability and security of the people is ensured and justice is provided according to it to the accused. Just like criminal and social laws there are also the business laws and legislations which are implemented by the state to ensure that the right of different stakeholders are protected. At United Kingdome several laws are there which protect the rights of employees, right of consumers and also there are laws which are to maintain the fair competition in the market and ensure that no organization manipulates the market. A fair and healthy competition is good for the industry as well as for the consumers, but to ensure this atmosphere in the business market the government has taken several steps towards this by implementing certain legislations. As discussed in the PESTEL analysis of npower, the legislative factors also plays and important factor and can affect the human resource policies of the company. Here, different legislation or acts implemented by the government of United Kingdome. For protecting the consumer rights the first legislation under discussion is the consumer Credit Act. It was implemented in 1974 by the UK government and according to this all such business who want to provide credit facility to their customers will have to take approval from Director General of fair trading. For the organization like case company it is not possible to work only on cash, so the organization have to give credit facilities to the corporate clients such as British Telecom, Wembley Stadium and Ford. The enterprise that is found to mislead the customer regarding the price through its promotions can be held accountable under the consumer protection act which was implemented in 1987. Under this act all the organization have to pre sent the actual price of the product or service and if there are any other charges or taxes with the price those should also be presented to the customer in the promotions. The equal pay act which was implemented in 1970, suggests the organization to equally pay the candidates without any discrimination of gender. Another act implemented in 1974 suggests the organization to provide the employees a safe and healthy working environment. The minimum wage act implemented by the UK government in 1998, bound all the enterprises not to pay less than 3.59 pounds per hour. Office of Trading (OFT) is responsible for maintain a healthy competition in the market and to ensure that no organization can create its monopoly. The fair trading act was implemented in 1973 under which Office of Trading can recommend that business to MMC (Monopolies Mergers Commission which is found to be chagrin high prices form the consumer or performing such activities which are against the interest of public. Office of Trading can also set the price ceiling in order to eliminate the monopolistic behaviour of the organizations.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Frankenstein :: essays research papers

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein opens with Robert Walton’s ship surrounded in ice, and Robert Walton watching, along with his crew, as a huge, malformed "traveller" on a dog sled vanished across the ice. The next morning, the fog lifted and the ice separated and they found a man, that was almost frozen lying on a slab of floating ice. By giving him hot soup and rubbing his body with brandy, the crew restored him to his health. A few days later he was able to speak and the stranger, Victor Frankenstein, seemed distressed to learn that a sled had been sighted prior to his rescue from the ice. Then he began to tell his story. Frankenstein said that he had been an only child and during a expedition with his parents, his mother found a peasant and his wife with five hungry babies. The peasant’s children were dark-skinned, except for one little girl. Frankenstein’s mother decided to adopt the little girl. Victor and his adopted sister, Elizabeth, came to love one another, even though they were very different in temperament and nature. Elizabeth "busied herself with following the aerial creations of poets," while Frankenstein preferred scientific knowledge "it was the secrets of heaven and earth that I desired to learn ... the physical secrets of the world." After the death of his mother when he was seventeen, Frankenstein departed for the University of Inglostadt. Frankenstein grew intensely interested in the phenomena of the human body and he explored the processes of death and decay, and became infatuated with the idea of creating human life itself. After several days and nights of laboring, he â€Å"succeeded in discovering the cause of generation and life; nay, more, I became myself capable of bestowing animation upon lifeless matter." Frankenstein set out to create a superior living being, hoping to eventually discover a formula for eternal life. In his research Frankenstein determinedly collected human remains from charnel-houses and cemeteries. Then, "on a dreary night of November ... I beheld the accomplishment of my toils": an eight-foot monster. Applying electricity to the "lifeless matter" before him, Frankenstein saw "the dull yellow eye of the creature open; it breathed hard, and convulsive motion agitated its limbs." And at the result of his creation coming to life, Frankenstein was appalled. "Breathless horror and disgust filled my heart." He thought that he had created a freak. Exhausted, Frankenstein fell into a deep sleep, seeking a "few moments of forgetful ness.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Convicting, Convincing, and Converting Essay

The argument most reliable is convicting, converting, and convincing. Many denominational Churches and spiritual beliefs have conflicting feelings around this issue. Many feel that they can take in their rules or pick and choice the Scriptures (cherry-cream) and translate to accommodate their demands. â€Å"The Bible is supernatural in focus† (Towns, 2007 p. 19). Now by doing such blasphemy activities, one is defying God’s authority. That sort of behavior only leads to wicked spirits. Most importantly, we should not pick and choose Bible verses to suit our situations. God has laid out all of His commands systematically, and no short cuts. I have come across this dilemma in several churches. You see, when I became born again, The Holy Spirit condemned me of my past and enable me to see God through His eyes. The Word convinced me. I empowered the Almighty to be my Redeemer; God worked in me. Today, The Almighty God has granted me the pass for everlasting life and supply me with a passport of Heaven. In conclusion, Elmer Towns states the Bible is an awesome comforter and provider. â€Å" Perhaps the greatest influence of the Bible is its convicting, convincing, converting power to all who honestly accept its message and believe in Jesus Christ† (Towns, 2007 p. 24). The Word provides the reading audience a powerful belief of God being the real and a big deal. He is not the Author of confusion. (1 Corinthians 14: 33) For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints (KJV). We must be aware that God comes to make peace with us. Once one has agreed to accept a spiritual relationship with God, you adopt off the former and bring on a new. Why not test Him and partake of the promise He has put aside for you to experience eternal life by keeping His commandments.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Store Cashier Incentive

Store Cashier Incentive Introduction Entrepreneurs start businesses with a view to make profit. Profits do not happen by themselves except through a process that executes relevant business functions. The place of the employee or staff is essential towards the achievement of the business goals and objectives. This places the question of staff motivation as key to the fulfillment of business objectives. The relationship between motivation and performance is crucial. Staff motivation has to do with the provision of a pleasant working environment for the workers. It involves the creation of relevant work ethics, clarification of responsibilities and documentation of effective performance appraisal and rewarding system.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Store Cashier Incentive specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A company will not be able to achieve desired results without motivated staff. Business owners must ensure that employees derive meaning fro m the work they do. This will guarantee their commitment and excellence in performance. The success of the company depends more or less on the passion and concentration of workers. Staff motivation is the key to business excellence (Bruce and Pepitone, 1999). The store must invest in motivation. Purpose does not exist in most of today’s business enterprises. One of the reasons why staff become demoralized has to do with lack of clarity for the purpose within the business. The store cashier has a vital role of ensuring that the customers of the store get satisfied. This means that the cashier must undertake such tasks and activities that ensure excellent customer service and satisfaction. They must also perform those tasks with the utmost excellence. The incentive program should include clarity of work purposes. The incentive program details the activities involved in the fulfillment of work tasks. The purposes for which those tasks become undertaken must be clarified. Purpose will help workers in making the right choices about work activities and find meaning in what they do. The external needs of the cashiers should be met as a means of providing a pleasant working environment. The program should work around dealing with external uncertainties surrounding customer satisfaction – dealing with customer moods, tastes and preferences (Thomas, 2009). The other components to be considered include – creation of a high performance culture environment and rewarding outstanding implementation and performance. The incentive program should address critical work issues – staff satisfaction with job assignment, recognition, management support and understanding. The components of the incentive program should be integrated within the human resource training module. It should be entrenched in the employee team building program. The business monitoring and evaluation matrices should reflect the adopted components of the incentive program. Excellent feedback mechanism systems should be developed to allow continuous interaction between the employees and the human resource managers and business owners. All the components of the individual incentive program can be adopted for implementation at the corporation or store level. The other store or group incentives include developing a model for corporation wide staff motivation.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The store managers should also refine the store’s core values. The store values should focus the cashiers and other employees towards the store purpose. The same store incentives should be channeled creatively through the store managers and during employees team building activities. The store wide incentives should be entrenched within the store policies and implemented by the managers using a relevant store wide structure. Conclusion The priority of sto re owners should be to develop incentives that motivate the staff. This will result in excellent staff performance and customer satisfaction. References Bruce, A., Pepitone, J.S. (1999). Motivating Employees. New York: The McGraw – Hill Companies, Inc. Thomas, K. W. (2009). Intrinsic Motivation at Work: What Really Drives Employee  Engagement. California: Berrett – Koehler Publishers, Inc.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Romeo And Juliet-Comparison Essay Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers

Romeo And Juliet-Comparison Essay Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers Romeo And Juliet-Comparison Essay Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare and Romeo and Juliet interpreted by Zeffirelli are two versions of a classic tale of two young lovers. In reading Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet and viewing Zeffirellis Romeo and Juliet one becomes aware of many differences between them. Although the basic storyline remains the same, the differences are obvious. These differences can be found in the setting, characters and their speeches, and the culmination of the story. These differences between the versions produce two entirely different interpretations of the story. Zeffirelli changed the story by changing important scene by use of omitting characters or switching the order of the events. For example in Act V, when the Prince gave his final speech, Friar Laurence was supposed to be present to give his own confession, but was left out by Zeffirellis version. This left the explanation of why the lovers were truly dead for the watchers to question. Shakespeare had Montague raise a statue in Juliets honor, signifying the end of their feud. Zeffirelli, on the other hand, chose only to show the two lords together making for a weaker end. The omission of characters from important scene was not the only change noted between the two. Zeffirelli also took poetic license in the creation of Romeo and Juliet. He gave his lines to characters when in Shakespeare they were spoken by another. This was shown during the party scene, Act I, scene V when Lord Capulet was to rebuke Tybalt and call him.......saucy boy......... The line was instead given to Lady Capulet. This exchange of lines between the characters does not always help in the understanding of the story. The use of adding lines to characters created different personalities and gave the characters greater insight than in Shakespeares version. It added in helping understand the characters motives more. Zeffirelli also had some positive differences than that of Shakespeare. Since the setting was in the same time period as Shakespeares rendition the reader could visualize the environment and dress of the era. This made the characters and story more life-like than trying to picture it from a written page. Zeffirelli also fleshed-out the characters, giving them more depth and emotion than in Romeo and Juliet. This is shown when the nurse goes to Juliet and finds her dead. She runs out of Juliets chamber screaming and flailing her arms in a frenzy. The audience was able to interact with the characters and their emotions by seeing Romeo and Juliet visually, also making the language more understandable. An example of this is when Romeo kills himself and Juliet sees him, hears guards, and you are able to see Juliet frantic. As a result of this, the scene is made more complete, causing the audience to experience greater tension than reading the play. Even though Zeffirelli gave more definition to some characters, Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet was more enjoyable. Although he did not give as much information as to what was happening, he allowed the reader more freedom to interpret the situations on their own. Without the reader having readShakespeares Romeo and Juliet most of the symbolism in Zeffirellis version would not have been understood. The two different authors used a variety of techniques to change the story or to have the audience understand the siuations. Though they may seem different at times, the storyline never changes, it always remains about two young lovers who tragically die as a result of snap-decisions.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Personal statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 29

Personal statement - Essay Example The marriage was rocked with physical abuse inflicted in me by my so called husband and domestic violence became the order of the day in our home. Eventually I decided to move out and seek a domestic violence shelter not only for my safety but that of my child as well whom I did not want to grow up in such an abusive environment from a tender age. During that time, I had no knowledge of the legal proceedings that married couples underwent in case of divorce and hence when I was served with the divorce papers, I eagerly signed them without even knowing that it was possible for me to contest it in order to receive a fair share of property from my marriage. However, I got a lawyer later on and it is this lawyer that helped me put my acts together and gave me the strength to go on living and fighting to rebuild my life once again. I was able to stay positive and overcome several obstacles until now I can stand on my two feet and be able to support myself and my son without any support. This traumatizing period of my life taught me a lot but what I remember most vividly is how legal help can assist women undergoing what I went through and help them put their lived back together on the right track. Many give up and face so many obstacles and challenges that lead them to destitution. Lawyers committed and dedicated to their work can offer skills and logic all based on law and which can inspire and motivate the women not to give up on their lives and that of their children simply because of the traumas of that dark period of their lives. I would like to study law simply for this sole reason of assisting women undergoing difficult divorces and domestic violence cases and who have lost all hope. I would like my experience and my legal position, skills and abilities be not only an inspiration and motivator but also a stepping stone to their ultimate

Friday, November 1, 2019

Negotiations - Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Negotiations - Case Study - Essay Example Lack of management skills makes the firm not to be at par with advances in technology (Hastings, 2009). Technical support makes it possible for the business to be aware of modern technologies. With this can be able to understand the operations of the industry resulting to familiarity with clients. Therefore the industry can provide reliable services and appropriate solutions to the client problems. Lieutenant observed that the company suffered from insufficient training because of one stenographer who was in charge of five semi-skilled workers. This is due to ineffective management of the company. The firm is the only one producing the special machine but has very complex production processes that have made the employees to be resistant to new innovations (Vanden & Consulting, 2008). These employees basically resist new training because top managers have not been fully trained. Ineffective management also results in high expenses as a result of ignorance over security measures. Contingency are the allowances that help the management in addressing risks within the firm. The contingency allowance ensures that managers are able to account for all the errors and omissions made in the firm. Lieutenant Early should ensure that all the company operations and activities are performed perfectly. This calls for changes in the operations of the company (Hastings, 2009). This will reduce the amount of money paid as contingency allowance because there will be an improvement in the efficiency of organizational processes. The changes will also ensure that the organization is able to address risks accordingly. The entire unknown amount should be paid for in order to reduce the contingency allowance. This makes the payment to be in time hence reducing the accumulation amount. The Trustworthy equipment company should be principled enough to pay for all the known and unknown expenses. This eases the future budget of the firm making a similar contingence allowances (Steams,

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Spinnaker Tower and St Pancras Station Essay

The Spinnaker Tower and St Pancras Station - Essay Example The notable difference between these two projects is that the development of the St. Pancras project was an example of a lean construction while the development of the Spinnaker Tower went through several obstacles before the project reached completion. The Spinnaker Tower stands at a height of 170 metres, towering over Portsmouth harbour. The notable aspect of the construction is its representation as a sail blowing in the wind, and this objective was achieved by using two steel arcs. The construction material used was a composite mixture of steel and concrete, and there are three different viewing levels. It is built upon a 3m thick pile cap and 84 piles, with two steel cross bows rising from the ground and connecting with the central structure, comprising two inclined, hexagonal concrete shafts. Two cross bows rise elegantly from the ground, cross between the shafts and connect at the top of the tower, with aerofoil shaped ribs spanning between the bows to give it the distinctive look of the spinnaker sail. The Spinnaker Tower is situated on the Gunwharf Quays and offers 350 degree views of Portsmouth harbour, the South Coast and the Isle of Wight. The Tower was opened up to the public on 18th October 2005 and has received over 600,000 visitors within the first year of its opening. The concrete that has been used to build the tower is of an amount sufficient to fill five and a half Olympic sized swimming pools. Project management has been defined as the process by which projects are defined, planned, monitored, controlled and delivered in order to achieve the desired benefits ( The Spinnaker Tower project was initiated in September 1995, when the proposal to erect a millennium tower was mooted for the renaissance of Portsmouth harbour and approved by the Millennium Commission. There were several problems associated with the development of this project that cost 23 million pounds. At the outset, there were

Monday, October 28, 2019

Interpersonal communication Essay Example for Free

Interpersonal communication Essay The book basically talks about the different ways on how to win friends and become popular. Dale Carnegie gives different tips on how to make different people like you, and how to make others accept and believe in what you are thinking. Carnegie basically makes it easier for readers to understand more effective relationship styles. Carnegie used to teach general public speaking. However, he realized that such wasn’t enough for effective business and felt that his students lacked the skill of simply making friends with new people, which is why he made a book on how to make new friends and other relational issues. Dale Carnegie also felt that he lacked such skills himself. So this is a two way experience for him, both teaching and learning at the same time. Digging in to the deeper purpose of creating such book, the Carnegie Institute of Technology made a study which showed that a financial successful person owes 15 percent to their technical knowledge and the rest to â€Å"skill in human engineering-to personality and the ability to lead people† (Carnegie, 1964). Another reason was that, it is easy to find applicants who had the perfect skills for their jobs- engineering, medicine, accounting, you name it, there are plenty of skilled professionals out there. However, there are not a lot who possess such skills and at the same time have the ability to have effective interpersonal communication and relational skills, which is why Dale Carnegie developed a book which serves as a manual for those who lack such skills. Lastly, there is a need for a book which basically serves as a guide for dummies on how to get other people to like them and how to find more friends. Becoming an effective leader is also a part of what the book teaches, and is what readers will get out of reading it. During the first part of Dale Carnegie’s â€Å"How to Win Friends and Influence People†, he talks about the basic styles and techniques that you can handle people. He basically had three principles in this topic. The first principle is to work with people without criticizing, condemning or complaining. It is important for aspiring leaders to omit such acts because people will not follow a leader who does not listen to what they are saying. The second principle says to â€Å"give honest and sincere appreciation† (Carnegie, 1964). According to Carnegie, flattery is always effective. Of course, everybody wants to feel good. It is so effective in fact that â€Å"Even Queen Victoria was susceptible to flattery† (Carnegie, 1964). However, the negative thing with flattery is that, it is fake and insincere. What Carnegie suggests is for us to give out something positive and honest- which is called appreciation. There is always something positive in everybody, and that is what every effective leader needs to look for. The last principle is to get from other people the â€Å"eager want†. Carnegie mentioned that, we should not talk about what we want, because nobody else will listen to us. Instead, we should talk about something we know others would like to talk about. This will definitely get them interested, especially in doing something for you. Part two of the book discusses the different ways to get people to like you. The first principle tells us to become genuinely interested in other people. Carnegie used his dog as an example or even just dogs generally. They did not study psychology to know how people could like them. They simply liked people genuinely, which is why people liked them back. If you like someone, it becomes almost impossible to resist liking you back. If you genuinely like other people, then you will be welcome anywhere you go (Carnegie, 1964). The next principle is fairly easy and sounds quite simple. However, it is forgotten most of the time, and people forget the magic that it does. One word: Smile. Carnegie mentioned that the smile that people wear on their faces is far more important than what clothes they wear. And the saying â€Å"actions speak louder than words† is very true. Smiles are very important because they say â€Å"I like you, you make me happy. I am glad to see you. † (Carnegie, 1964). This can be proven when babies smile and everybody around them melts. It is the same thing with adults, as long as smiles are genuine. Third principle for people to like you is the simple gesture of remembering the names of the people you meet. It always isn’t a good impression to ask for people’s names the second time around, much more the third. Remembering names are so important in fact that when you â€Å"Remember that name and call it easily, and you have paid a subtle and very effective compliment† (Carnegie, 1964). However, when you forget one name, it will give you a bad impression and will work to your disadvantage. The last three principles of the second part of Carnegie’s work are all connected to each other. First is to â€Å"be a good listener and encourage other to talk about themselves†, next is to talk about the other person’s likes and interests and not talk about you. And the last, is to â€Å"make the other person feel important, sincerely†. These three are very important because if you only care about yourself and talk only about what you feel is interesting, and act like you are the only important person in the world, then no one will want to neither talk nor work with you. In fact, no one will even want to see you. Being egotistic and self centered will not do a person any good in this world. (Carnegie, 1964) Part three of dale Carnegie’s book is How to Win People to Your Way of Thinking. Principle one talks about arguments. The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it†, this is what Carnegie (1964) thinks about arguments. This is very true as, while you think you are good in winning arguments, you will never know when you might find someone who is better than you. And people always admire those who walk away from trouble. To sum the third part up, it simply says that you are to respect the way others think, a nd acknowledge their opinions. Even though you do not believe in what they are saying, you must let them speak out, because your opinion is not the only important one. Others should feel like they have a say in things, before they will believe in what you are saying. It is just a matter of reciprocity. â€Å"If we know we are going to be rebuked anyhow, isn’t it far better to beat the other person to it and do it ourselves? † (Carnegie, 1964) It is always good to admit your mistakes. Owning up to your mistakes makes people admire you more, and believe that you are actually human. In the same way that you are never to tell someone that they are wrong just because they do not agree to what you think and they have their own opinions. The first thing that you will need to get from others is respect, and the only way to get that is by showing respect to them first. For the last principles, it just says that in order to get people to believe in the way you think, you must believe in theirs as well. So in conclusion for the third part of the book, it simply means that you have to respect other people’s views, opinions and ideas in order to get them to believe yours as well. Be a Leader: How to Change People Without Giving Offense or Arousing Resentment. This is the last part of Dale Carnegie’s book. Being a leader is never easy. It may look like the easiest part of a job because you get to tell others to do the job for you. However, more responsibilities come with being a leader, such as all the different decisions that should be made. Carnegie mentions that a leader should develop an attitude that praises and appreciates the people that work for him. Another major thing that leaders should develop is before telling others what they have done wrong, tell something that they have done right first because â€Å"It is always easier to listen to unpleasant things after we have heard some praise of our good points. † (Carnegie, 1964). One more important thing for leaders to do is to â€Å"talk about your mistakes before criticizing the other person† (Carnegie, 1964). This is important, as it will not make the others feel so inferior to you as a leader. Leaders should be more humble than the rest because once superiority complex works its way in, the system will stop working. Becoming an example is another one of the most important things that a leader should follow. Encouragements are also one of the best things to do, most especially after some criticisms. I used to believe that I could communicate to others fairly well. I had a lot of friends and people liked to be around me. But after reading Dale Carnegie’s book, I have realized that I was not that effective and that there are still a lot of areas that I need to improve in. First of all, I criticize, condemn and complain a lot. I lack giving out appreciations as well. Most of the time I am self centered and whenever there are conversations I engage in, I mostly talk about topics that I prefer without even considering whether or not the one I’m conversing with is interested with what we are talking about. I also lack the heart of admitting my mistakes quickly. I sometimes tell people that they’re wrong directly, even just for not sharing the same opinion as I do. I even have the tendency to always get into arguments, even when I have the chance to avoid or get out of it. I am not comfortable in talking about my mistakes as I feel embarrassed and want to bury them in the past. One of the things that I know I am strong at is remembering a person’s name. Carnegie has mentioned that this will make people feel very important, which means I have made a lot of people important already, just by this gesture. Although I talk a lot, I make it a point to let others talk as well. I believe I am a good listener, which makes people look for me when they need someone to talk to. I am very free in giving out encouragements, as long as I feel the people are down in whatever they are doing. Even in the littlest improvement a person makes or adjusts, I notice it and give them praise. I give out constructive criticism as well, and is open to taking some for myself from others. So all in all, I have a lot more to work on, even though I have some positive traits that I already carry with me. Reading on will definitely help me improve in different aspects. I have asked my father, brother and mother to give me a peer analysis in my communication skills and my different ways of dealing with other people. They have more or less the same answers and I will only generalize and summarize the answers that they have given. They have mentioned that I criticize and condemn other people a lot may it be directly or even behind their backs. My brother told me that I judge immediately anything I see that does not pass my so called standards. Carnegie believes that this should be avoided in order to find more people to like you, to have more friends. One thing that they appreciate about me is that I give a lot of encouragements to people. They feel that this is when I am most effective when dealing with people. Even my father told me that he appreciates it when he sees me encourage different people. He also mentioned that he has seen how this affects the different people I am dealing with, and can see the changes that such encouragements have brought about. My mother mentioned that I do not easily admit my mistakes. She said that I even reason out to my actions, even if I already know that what I did was wrong. As much as I hate to admit this, it is nothing but the truth. I find it hard for me to say that I was wrong, mostly because of pride. They all agreed to one thing however, and that is I only like to talk about things that I like, and that I do not even ask them what they want to talk about or what they are interested in. This is one of the things Carnegie has mentioned that should not be around when we want to have more friends or when we want people to like us. Again, I can see that there is a lot of room for improvement when it comes to relationships and communication. The first thing that I want to remove from my negative attitude is the inability to admit when I am wrong or I have made a mistake. I think this is the first thing that would turn other people off from wanting to talk or become friends. I believe for me to be able to do this, I must lower down my pride. This will not be easy, and will take a lot of time. But if I want to improve my lifestyle, then this will definitely have to be the first thing off my negative list. The next thing I must make a move on is towards removing the act of always criticizing other people. It has almost become automatic for me to do this, as I easily judge people even at the first look or impression. This has cost me a lot of friends and friendships that might have started. I think the way to start taking this negative act from me is by always thinking positively and giving other people a chance- a chance to show their true selves. Being judgmental has always been a problem and will be a bigger problem if I do not act up on it immediately. Being less self centered and egotistic will be very important if I want to start new and stronger relationships with other people. These are only some of the things that I think I need to change. Dale Carnegie has helped me realize a lot of things. His work has definitely taught me a lot of things; things that are essential in day to day living. After all, no one can live alone. Friends and relationships with people will help us live more harmoniously and Dale Carnegie’s â€Å"How to Win Friends and Influence People† has taught me how I can have more friends and develop friends a lot easier.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Interpreting The French Revolution Essay -- European History

The year 1789 proved to be a pivotal and historical epoch of political upheavals, radical social movements, and the demolition of the old age monarchy in France. The Tennis Court Oath, storming of the Bastille, passage of the Declaration on the Rights of Man and Citizen, and an unprecedented assault on Versailles as well as the use of the guillotine defined the spirit and historical meaning of the French Revolution. Due to the significance of the tumultuous political and social overhaul that took place, many stances have been taken on interpreting the revolution. The ideas formed regarding the interpretation of the causes and effects of the French Revolution are important in understanding the birth of new political ideologies that changed the landscape of European political order. Conservative, liberal, and revisionist political ideologies have produced multiple perspectives surrounding the events of the French Revolution. The following will address each ideology through analys is of causes and effects of the French Revolution. The characteristics of the conservative ideology made the aristocratic and clergy members of French society hostile to the rapidly changing political landscape. On June 17 1789, the Third Estate drafted a constitution and created the â€Å"National Assembly† in response of being locked out of the regular meeting of the Estates Generals (Doyle, 2002). The pressure applied by the National Assembly forced King Louis XVI to change the voting procedures in the Estates General. Instead of voting by status class the Estates General voted based on each individual’s choice. Conservatives regarded this event as anarchy and began a counterrevolutionary movement in order to secure the survival of the monarchy (Os... ... of government and a letter concerning toleration. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. Mannheim, Karl. (1936). Ideology and Utopia. London: Routledge. McGarr, P. (1998). Socialist review index. Retrieved from http:// Mithium, B. (n.d.). 18th century history. Retrieved from Osen, James (1995). Royalist Political Thought during the French Revolution. London: Greenwood Press. Soman, E. (n.d.). Orthodox and revisionist interpretations of the french revolution. Retrieved from The socialist party of britain. (2011). Retrieved from socialist-standard/1980s/1989/no-1019-july-1989/1789-france’s-bourgeois-revolution Interpreting The French Revolution Essay -- European History The year 1789 proved to be a pivotal and historical epoch of political upheavals, radical social movements, and the demolition of the old age monarchy in France. The Tennis Court Oath, storming of the Bastille, passage of the Declaration on the Rights of Man and Citizen, and an unprecedented assault on Versailles as well as the use of the guillotine defined the spirit and historical meaning of the French Revolution. Due to the significance of the tumultuous political and social overhaul that took place, many stances have been taken on interpreting the revolution. The ideas formed regarding the interpretation of the causes and effects of the French Revolution are important in understanding the birth of new political ideologies that changed the landscape of European political order. Conservative, liberal, and revisionist political ideologies have produced multiple perspectives surrounding the events of the French Revolution. The following will address each ideology through analys is of causes and effects of the French Revolution. The characteristics of the conservative ideology made the aristocratic and clergy members of French society hostile to the rapidly changing political landscape. On June 17 1789, the Third Estate drafted a constitution and created the â€Å"National Assembly† in response of being locked out of the regular meeting of the Estates Generals (Doyle, 2002). The pressure applied by the National Assembly forced King Louis XVI to change the voting procedures in the Estates General. Instead of voting by status class the Estates General voted based on each individual’s choice. Conservatives regarded this event as anarchy and began a counterrevolutionary movement in order to secure the survival of the monarchy (Os... ... of government and a letter concerning toleration. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. Mannheim, Karl. (1936). Ideology and Utopia. London: Routledge. McGarr, P. (1998). Socialist review index. Retrieved from http:// Mithium, B. (n.d.). 18th century history. Retrieved from Osen, James (1995). Royalist Political Thought during the French Revolution. London: Greenwood Press. Soman, E. (n.d.). Orthodox and revisionist interpretations of the french revolution. Retrieved from The socialist party of britain. (2011). Retrieved from socialist-standard/1980s/1989/no-1019-july-1989/1789-france’s-bourgeois-revolution

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Free African Americans Essay

The Antebellum period had a huge impact on the free African American people. The Antebellum period is the time that is pre-Civil War and post-War of 1812. The United States was expanding to a more powerful nation and slavery was the biggest industry in their economy. During this period of time, African Americans had to deal with many obstacles/adversities as free blacks in all regions of the United States. The regions known as, in the northern, upper south, deep south, and far west regions of the United States was where the free African American encountered different and similar situations and experiences. Throughout history the north always was known as the first region that freed slaves. The northern states didn’t us the same economic methods as the southern states and the far west. They adopted a new way of making money. According to The African American Odyssey, â€Å"Between 1860, a market revolution transformed the north into a modern industrial society. † This new method changed economy for the north until present day. This was a new age of industry and the production of factories. Slavery was not needed as much as the southern states where they had good sun to cultivate and profit from crops such as cotton. Even though this new method lightened the idea of slavery in the north, the freedom for blacks was still limited. Whites did not want to deal with blacks so they enforced new black laws in which resulted in the segregation of school, communities and any other public uses. Free black men had limited voting rights where they barely had any rights to vote. Most of all these black laws impacted the employment level to a low gradient for the free blacks in the north. This battle for employment had many negative impacts on free Black’s ways of life. Families were tarnished under the pressure of providing for their families with the scarcity of jobs. They enforced fugitive slave law where the white slave masters can hunt and recapture runaway slaves from the south. This made life difficult and filled the free blacks with fear because they were more prone to be wrongfully enslaved. Like the south the whites did not want to deal with blacks whatsoever. Irish immigrants were taking all the jobs away from the blacks many blacks had unskilled jobs such as being barbers and shoemakers. The free African American upper south region did have similar experiences as the north but much more were different. Though they shared similar churches family businesses and fraternities the upper south was still separated by the idea of slavery and the different economic methods. The impact of slavery created different communities. The free blacks in the north lived with other free Blacks while in the upper south; the free Blacks lived with slaves. The fugitive slave laws had a bigger impact on the upper south than the north. The free black was definitely more prone to be enslaves. Many sheriffs would harass and arrest free blacks randomly on profiling them as runaway slaves. They did have a tool known as free papers that was proof for their freedom. But these papers were useless most of the time because they constantly had to be renewed. These free papers impacted the everyday life of African Americans because they had to make sure that their papers weren’t stolen, lost, or tarnished. The free Blacks had fewer freedoms. They could not vote at all and they had problems going outside at night. They could not congregate in groups and had no rights to bear arms. Life as a free Black person was tougher than the north because of the low employment rates downgraded again due to the Irish immigrants taking their jobs. Their jobs were different during the antebellum period. Many people were maids and servants and washers. Upper south institutions where tarnished and almost did not exist. Black churches were overran by white ministries and left the black ministers with no opportunities to practice on their careers. Schools were almost absent. They were low funded whereas many blacks in the upper south were left uneducated. There were no schools and no jobs which gave success to the whites on preventing the advancement of the free blacks. Unlike the north and the upper south, the Deep South barely had any free blacks despite the fact that the population of African Americans in the Deep South was enormous. There were many incidents of racial mixing with slave owners and the female slaves. Diversity was there but slavery still kept their children enslaved. They usually had a choice to buy their way out of slavery. Many of the free slaves did not have their own separate identity from the white slave owners. Many of the free blacks were just like the whites. They were accepted in the churches. Many wealthy free blacks were educated due to the establishment of private schools. Unlike the north and the Upper South, they had better skilled jobs such as carpentry and tailors. Many whites began to overlook the success of the free African American In the Deep South and made it even more impossible to live. Unlike the North, Upper South, and the Deep South, the Far West absolutely did not want anything to do with free Blacks. The black laws in the Far West were made to ban all free Blacks from settling in their region. The Gold Rush of 1849 resulted in the migration of many White and free Black men to settle out west in states like California and Oregon. The Far west was known to be more multicultural and have multicultural communities. Many blacks had the same jobs of that the free Blacks from the regions had except for the gold mining. Many Blacks prospered from gold. Slavery was a huge propaganda in the upper south and the whole south in general. It was a reality that all African American whether free or enslaved could not avoid. The northern states were gradually enhancing their advancement in the idea of acceptance and coexistence with the Whites in the US. The north had at least a bit of a head start for the search of equality in the U. S. The conditions of living might have been similar and different in many ways but this time all came to an end once the fugitive slave laws were enhanced. Many free African Blacks were enslaved and wrongfully accused to be slaves. The new laws were undisputed and changed the Blacks’ idea of freedom and fight for equality Work Cited Hine D, The African American Odyssey (2011). Combined Volume, 5th Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Host Chapter 51: Prepared

I found Jared and Jamie in our room, waiting for me, worry on both their faces. Jared must have talked to Jeb. â€Å"Are you all right?† Jared asked me, while Jamie jumped up and threw his arms around my waist. I wasn't sure how to answer his question. I didn't know the answer. â€Å"Jared, I need your help.† Jared was on his feet as soon as I was done speaking. Jamie leaned back to look at my face. I didn't meet Jamie's gaze. I wasn't sure how much I could bear right now. â€Å"What do you need me to do?† Jared asked. â€Å"I'm making a raid. I could use some†¦ extra muscle.† â€Å"What are we after?† He was intense, already shifting into his mission mode. â€Å"I'll explain on the way. We don't have a lot of time.† â€Å"Can I come?† Jamie said. â€Å"No!† Jared and I said together. Jamie frowned and let me go, sinking down onto the mattress and crossing his legs. He put his face in his hands and sulked. I couldn't look directly at him before I ducked out of the room. I was already yearning to sit beside him, to hold him tight and forget this whole mess. Jared followed as I retraced my path through the south tunnel. â€Å"Why this way?† he asked. â€Å"I†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He would know if I tried to lie or evade. â€Å"I don't want to run into anyone. Jeb, Aaron, or Brandt, particularly.† â€Å"Why?† â€Å"I don't want to have to explain myself to them. Not yet.† He was quiet, trying to make sense of my answer. I changed the subject. â€Å"Do you know where Lily is? I don't think she should be alone. She seems†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Ian's with her.† â€Å"That's good. He's the kindest.† Ian would help Lily-he was exactly what she needed now. Who would help Ian when†¦? I shook my head, shaking the thought away. â€Å"What are we in such a hurry to get?† Jared asked me. I took a deep breath before I answered him. â€Å"Cryotanks.† The south tunnel was black. I could not see his face. His footsteps did not falter beside me, and he didn't say anything for several minutes. When he spoke again, I could hear that he was focusing on the raid-single-minded, setting aside whatever curiosity he felt until after the mission was planned to his satisfaction. â€Å"Where do we get them?† â€Å"Empty cryotanks are stored outside Healing facilities until they're needed. With more souls coming in than leaving, there will be a surplus. No one will guard them; no one will notice if some go missing.† â€Å"Are you sure? Where did you get this information?† â€Å"I saw them in Chicago, piles and piles of them. Even the little facility we went to in Tucson had a small store of them, crated outside the delivery bay.† â€Å"If they were crated, then how can you be sure -â€Å" â€Å"Haven't you noticed our fondness for labels?† â€Å"I'm not doubting you,† he said. â€Å"I just want to make sure that you've thought this through.† I heard the double meaning in his words. â€Å"I have.† â€Å"Let's get it done, then.† Doc was already gone-already with Jeb, as we hadn't passed him on the way. He must have left right behind me. I wondered how his news was being taken. I hoped they weren't stupid enough to discuss it in front of the Seeker. Would she shred her human host's brain if she guessed what I was doing? Would she assume I'd turned traitor entirely? That I would give the humans what they needed with no restrictions? Wasn't that what I was about to do, though? When I was gone, would Doc bother to keep his word? Yes, he would try. I believed that. I had to believe that. But he couldn't do it alone. And who would help him? We scrambled up the tight black vent that opened onto the southern face of the rocky hill, about halfway up the low peak. The eastern edge of the horizon was turning gray, with just a hint of pink bleeding into the line between sky and rock. My eyes were locked on my feet as I climbed down. It was necessary; there was no path, and the loose rocks made for treacherous footing. But even if the way had been paved and smooth, I doubted I would have been able to lift my eyes. My shoulders, too, seemed trapped in a slump. Traitor. Not a misfit, not a wanderer. Just a traitor. I was putting my gentle brothers' and sisters' lives into the angry and motivated hands of my adopted human family. My humans had every right to hate the souls. This was a war, and I was giving them a weapon. A way to kill with impunity. I considered this as we ran through the desert in the growing light of dawn-ran because, with the Seekers looking, we shouldn't be out in the daylight. Focusing on this angle-viewing my choice not as a sacrifice but rather as arming the humans in exchange for the Seeker's life-I knew that it was wrong. And if I was trying to save only the Seeker, this would be the moment when I would change my mind and turn around. She wasn't worth selling out the others. Even she would agree with that. Or would she? I suddenly wondered. The Seeker didn't seem to be as†¦ what was the word Jared had used? Altruistic. As altruistic as the rest of us. Maybe she would count her own life dearer than the lives of many. But it was too late to change my mind. I'd already thought far beyond just saving the Seeker. For one thing, this would happen again. The humans would kill any souls they came across unless I gave them another option. More than that, I was going to save Melanie, and that was worth the sacrifice. I was going to save Jared and Jamie, too. Might as well save the repugnant Seeker while I was at it. The souls were wrong to be here. My humans deserved their world. I could not give it back to them, but I could give them this. If only I could be sure that they would not be cruel. I would just have to trust Doc, and hope. And maybe wring the promise from a few more of my friends, just in case. I wondered how many human lives I would save. How many souls' lives I might save. The only one I couldn't save now was myself. I sighed heavily. Even over the sound of our exerted breathing, Jared heard that. In my peripheral vision, I saw his face turn, felt his eyes boring into me, but I did not look over to meet his gaze. I stared at the ground. We got to the jeep's hiding place before the sun had climbed over the eastern peaks, though the sky was already light blue. We ducked into the shallow cave just as the first rays painted the desert sand gold. Jared grabbed two bottles of water out of the backseat, tossed one to me, and then lounged against the wall. He gulped down half a bottle and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before he spoke. â€Å"I could tell you were in a hurry to get out of there, but we need to wait until dark if you're planning a smash and grab.† I swallowed my mouthful of water. â€Å"That's fine. I'm sure they'll wait for us now.† His eyes searched my face. â€Å"I saw your Seeker,† he told me, watching my reaction. â€Å"She's†¦ energetic.† I nodded. â€Å"And vocal.† He smiled and rolled his eyes. â€Å"She doesn't seem to enjoy the accommodations we provided.† My gaze dropped to the floor. â€Å"Could be worse,† I mumbled. The strangely jealous hurt I'd been feeling leaked, uninvited, into my voice. â€Å"That's true,† he agreed, his voice subdued. â€Å"Why are they so kind to her?† I whispered. â€Å"She killed Wes.† â€Å"Well, that's your fault.† I stared up at him, surprised to see the slight curve of his mouth; he was teasing me. â€Å"Mine?† His small smile wavered. â€Å"They didn't want to feel like monsters. Not again. They're trying to make up for before, only a little too late-and with the wrong soul. I didn't realize that would†¦ hurt your feelings. I would have thought you'd like it better that way.† â€Å"I do.† I didn't want them to hurt anyone. â€Å"It's always better to be kind. I just†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I took a deep breath. â€Å"I'm glad I know why.† Their kindess was for me, not for her. My shoulders felt lighter. â€Å"It's not a good feeling-knowing that you profoundly deserve the title of monster. It's better to be kind than to feel guilty.† He smiled again and then yawned. That made me yawn. â€Å"Long night,† he commented. â€Å"And we've got another one coming. We should sleep.† I was glad for his suggestion. I knew he had many questions about exactly what this raid meant. I also knew he would have already put several things together. And I didn't want to discuss any of it. I stretched out on the smooth patch of sand beside the jeep. To my shock, Jared came to lie beside me, right beside me. He curled around the curve of my back. â€Å"Here,† he said, and he reached around to slide his fingers under my face. He pulled my head up from the ground and then moved his arm under it, making a pillow for me. He let his other arm drape over my waist. It took a few seconds before I was able to respond. â€Å"Thanks.† He yawned. I felt his breath warm the back of my neck. â€Å"Get some rest, Wanda.† Holding me in what could only be considered an embrace, Jared fell asleep quickly, as he had always been able to do. I tried to relax with his arm warm around me, but it took a long time. This embrace made me wonder how much he had already guessed. My weary thoughts tangled and twisted. Jared was right-it had been a very long night. Though not half long enough. The rest of my days and nights were going to fly by as if they were only minutes. The next thing I knew, Jared was shaking me awake. The light in the little cavern was dim and orangey. Sunset. Jared pulled me to my feet and handed me a hiker's meal bar-this was the kind of rations they kept with the jeep. We ate, and drank the rest of our water, in silence. Jared's face was serious and focused. â€Å"Still in a hurry?† he asked as we climbed into the jeep. No. I wanted the time to stretch out forever. â€Å"Yes.† What was the point in putting it off? The Seeker and her body would die if we waited too long, and I would still have to make the same choice. â€Å"We'll hit Phoenix, then. It's logical that they wouldn't notice this kind of raid. It doesn't make sense for humans to take your cold-storage tanks. What possible use could we have for them?† The question didn't sound at all rhetorical, and I could feel him looking at me again. But I stared ahead at the rocks and said nothing. It had been dark for a while by the time we traded vehicles and got to the freeway. Jared waited a few careful minutes with the inconspicuous sedan's lights off. I counted ten cars passing by. Then there was a long darkness between the headlights, and Jared pulled onto the road. The trip to Phoenix was very short, though Jared kept the speed scrupulously below the limit. Time was speeding up, as if the Earth were spinning faster. We settled into the steady-moving traffic, flowing with it along the highway that circled the flat, sprawling city. I saw the hospital from the road. We followed another car up the exit ramp, moving evenly, without hurry. Jared turned into the main parking lot. â€Å"Where now?† he asked, tense. â€Å"See if this road continues around the back. The tanks will be by a loading area.† Jared drove slowly. There were many souls here, going in and out of the facility, some of them in scrubs. Healers. No one paid us any particular attention. The road hugged the sidewalk, then curved around the north side of the building complex. â€Å"Look. Shipping trucks. Head that way.† We passed between a wing of low buildings and a parking garage. Several trucks, delivering medical supplies no doubt, were backed into receiving ports. I scanned the crates on the dock, all labeled. â€Å"Keep going†¦ though we might want to grab some of those on the way back. See-Heal†¦ Cool†¦ Still? I wonder what that one is.† I liked that these supplies were labeled and left unguarded. My family wouldn't go without the things they needed when I was gone. When I was gone; it seemed that phrase was tacked on to all of my thoughts now. We rounded the back of another building. Jared drove a little faster and kept his eyes forward-there were people here, four of them, unloading a truck onto a dock. It was the exactness of their movements that caught my attention. They didn't handle the smallish boxes roughly; quite the contrary, they placed them with infinite care onto the waist-high lip of concrete. I didn't really need the label for confirmation, but just then, one of the unloaders turned his box so the black letters faced me directly. â€Å"This is the place we want. They're unloading occupied tanks right now. The empty ones won't be far†¦ Ah! There, on the other side. That shed is half full of them. I'll bet the closed sheds are all the way full.† Jared kept driving at the same careful speed, turning the corner to the side of the building. He snorted quietly. â€Å"What?† I asked. â€Å"Figures. See?† He jerked his chin toward the sign on the building. This was the maternity wing. â€Å"Ah,† I said. â€Å"Well, you'll always know where to look, won't you?† His eyes flashed to my face when I said that, and then back to the road. â€Å"We'll have to wait for a bit. Looked like they were almost finished.† Jared circled the hospital again, then parked at the back of the biggest lot, away from the lights. He killed the engine and slumped against the seat. He reached over and took my hand. I knew that he was about to ask, and I tried to prepare myself. â€Å"Wanda?† â€Å"Yes?† â€Å"You're going to save the Seeker, aren't you?† â€Å"Yes, I am.† â€Å"Because it's the right thing to do?† he guessed. â€Å"That's one reason.† He was silent for a moment. â€Å"You know how to get the soul out without hurting the body?† My heart thumped hard once, and I had to swallow before I could answer. â€Å"Yes. I've done it before. In an emergency. Not here.† â€Å"Where?† he asked. â€Å"What was the emergency?† It was a story I'd never told them before, for obvious reasons. It was one of my best. Lots of action. Jamie would have loved it. I sighed and began in a low voice. â€Å"On the Mists Planet. I was with my friend Harness Light and a guide. I don't remember the guide's name. They called me Lives in the Stars there. I already had a bit of a reputation.† Jared chuckled. â€Å"We were making a pilgrimage across the fourth great ice field to see one of the more celebrated crystal cities. It was supposed to be a safe route-that's why there were only three of us. â€Å"Claw beasts like to dig pits and bury themselves in the snow. Camouflage, you know. A trap. â€Å"One moment, there was nothing but the flat, endless snow. Then, the next moment, it seemed like the entire field of white was exploding into the sky. â€Å"An average adult Bear has about the mass of a buffalo. A full-grown claw beast is closer to the mass of a blue whale. This one was bigger than most. â€Å"I couldn't see the guide. The claw beast had sprung up between us, facing where Harness Light and I stood. Bears are faster than claw beasts, but this one had the advantage of the ambush. Its huge stone-like pincers swooped down and sheared Harness Light in half before I'd really processed what was happening.† A car drove slowly down the side of the parking lot. We sat silent until it had passed. â€Å"I hesitated. I should have started running, but†¦ my friend was dying there on the ice. Because of that hesitation, I would have died, too, if the claw beast hadn't been distracted. I found out later that our guide-I wish I could remember his name!-had attacked the claw beast's tail, hoping to give us a chance to run. The claw beast's attack had stirred up enough snow that it was like a blizzard. The lack of visibility would help us escape. He didn't know it was already too late for Harness Light to run. â€Å"The claw beast turned on the guide, and his second left leg kicked us, sending me flying. Harness Light's upper body landed beside me. His blood melted the snow.† I paused to shudder. â€Å"My next action made no sense, because I had no body for Harness Light. We were midway between cities, much too far to run to either. It was probably cruel, too, to take him out with no painkillers. But I couldn't stand to let him die inside the broken half of his Bear host. â€Å"I used the back of my hand-the ice-cutting side. It was too wide a blade†¦ It caused a lot of damage. I could only hope that Harness Light was far gone enough that he wouldn't feel the extra pain. â€Å"Using my soft inside fingers, I coaxed Harness Light from the Bear's brain. â€Å"He was still alive. I barely paused to ascertain this. I shoved him into the egg pocket in the center of my body, between the two hottest hearts. This would keep him from dying of cold, but he would only last a few short minutes without a body. And where would I find a host body in this empty waste? â€Å"I thought of trying to share my host, but I doubted I could stay conscious through the procedure to insert him into my own head. And then, having no healing medicine, I would die quickly. With all those hearts, Bears bled very fast. â€Å"The claw beast roared, and I felt the ground shake as its huge paws thudded down. I didn't know where our guide was, or if he lived. I didn't know how long it would take the claw beast to find us half-buried in the snow. I was right beside the severed Bear. The bright blood would draw the monster's eyes. â€Å"And then I got this crazy idea.† I paused to laugh quietly to myself. â€Å"I didn't have a Bear host for Harness Light. I couldn't use my body. The guide was dead or had fled. But there was one other body on the ice field. â€Å"It was insanity, but all I could think of was Harness Light. We weren't even close friends, but I knew he was slowly dying, right between my hearts. I couldn't endure that. â€Å"I heard the angry claw beast roaring, and I ran toward the sound. Soon I could see its thick white fur. I ran straight to its third left leg and launched myself as high up the leg as I could. I was a good jumper. I used all six of my hands, the knife sides, to yank myself up the side of the beast. It roared and spun, but that didn't help. Picture a dog chasing its tail. Claw beasts have very small brains-a limited intelligence. â€Å"I made it to the beast's back and ran up the double spine, digging in with my knives so that it couldn't shake me off. â€Å"It only took seconds to get up to the beast's head. But that was where the greatest difficulty waited. My ice cutters were only†¦ about as long as your forearm, maybe. The claw beast's hide was twice as thick. I swung my arm down as hard as I could, slashing through the first layer of fur and membrane. The claw beast screamed and reared back on its hindmost legs. I almost fell. â€Å"I lodged four of my hands into its hide-it screamed and thrashed. With the other two, I took turns cutting at the gash I'd made. The skin was so thick and tough, I didn't know if I would be able to saw through. â€Å"The claw beast went berserk. It shook so hard that it was all I could do to hold on for a moment. But time was running out for Harness Light. I shoved my hands into the hole and tried to rip it open. â€Å"Then the claw beast threw itself backward onto the ice. â€Å"If we hadn't been over its lair, the pit it had dug to hide in, that would have crushed me. As it was, though it knocked me silly, the fall actually helped. My knives were already in the beast's neck. When I hit the ground, the weight of the beast drove my cutters deep through its skin. Deeper than I needed. â€Å"We were both stunned; I was half smothered. I knew I had to do something right away, but I couldn't remember what it was. The beast started to roll, dazed. The fresh air cleared my head, and I remembered Harness Light. â€Å"Protecting him from the cold as well as I could in the soft side of my hands, I moved him from my egg pocket into the claw beast's neck. â€Å"The beast got to its feet and bucked again. This time I flew off. I'd let go of my hold to insert Harness Light, you see. The claw beast was infuriated. The wound on its head wasn't nearly enough to kill it-just annoy it. â€Å"The snow had settled enough that I was in plain sight, especially as I was painted with the beast's blood. It's a very bright color, a color you don't have here. It raised its pincers, and they swung toward me. I thought that was it, and I was comforted a little that at least I would die trying. â€Å"And then the pincers hit the snow beside me. I couldn't believe it had missed! I stared up at the huge, hideous face, and I almost had to†¦ well, not laugh. Bears don't laugh. But that was the feeling. Because that ugly face was torn with confusion and surprise and chagrin. No claw beast had ever worn such an expression before. â€Å"It had taken Harness Light a few minutes to bind himself to the claw beast-it was such a big area, he really had to extend himself. But then he was in control. He was confused and slow-he didn't have much of a brain to work with, but it was enough that he knew I was his friend. â€Å"I had to ride him to the crystal city-to hold the wound closed on his neck until we could reach a Healer. That caused quite a stir. For a while they called me Rides the Beast. I didn't like it. I made them go back to my other name.† I'd been staring ahead, toward the lights of the hospital and the figures of the souls crossing in front of those lights, as I told the story. Now I looked at Jared for the first time. He was gaping at me, his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open. It really was one of my best stories. I'd have to get Mel to promise that she'd tell it to Jamie when I was†¦ â€Å"They're probably finished unloading, don't you think?† I said quickly. â€Å"Let's finish this and get back home.† He stared at me for one more moment, and then shook his head slowly. â€Å"Yes, let's finish this, Wanderer, Lives in the Stars, Rides the Beast. Stealing a few unguarded crates won't present much of a challenge for you, will it?†