Saturday, December 28, 2019

Statutory Rape A Legal Matter - 2047 Words

Statutory rape is a legal matter in which an individual has sexual intercourse with a minor. Although the statutory rape law is to protect any individual from being sexually abused by an older individual sexual assault is mainly geared towards protecting women. Even though having sex with a minor is illegal it is possible in some states to have sex with a minor with valid consent. If an individual is caught having sexual intercourse with a minor the penalties may result in serving time in a state penitentiary or a correctional facility. Statutory rape is patronizing to girls and recriminating to boys because, many individuals believe that girls do not have the mental composite to consent to sexual activities, but boys have uncontrollable†¦show more content†¦The law also protects children under the age of 12, which would result in the defendant being charged with rape. â€Å"The number of men serving within prisons for statutory rape has a big difference between the amount of women serving prison time for statutory rape. There are hardly any women reported or sued for the same crime. The law does hold the same penalty for both sexes for statutory rape† (Russell 507). Basically, the majority of individuals argue that the statutory rape laws are patronizing to the girls and discriminatory to the boys. There have been many reasons proving this may be true. Although statutory rape laws are not only to protect women, but also men from sexual abuse, there have been many times that boys have been sexually abused by females and it has been ignored. This shows that statutory rape laws discriminate towards boys. Most times statutory rape cases are charged against young teens which means that young teens should be taught at an early age that sexual activity is not only wrong, but also illegal because, Instead of charging these young teenagers with a statutory rape crime they should be provided with counseling rather than imprisonment or being labeled as a sex offender for the rest of their lives. Although the laws for statutory rape are discriminating towards boys and patronizing towards girls it may not always be the boys fault because,

Friday, December 20, 2019

Attachment A Deep And Enduring Emotional Bond - 1313 Words

Attachment: An Analysis â€Å"Attachment is a deep and enduring emotional bond that connects one person to another across time and space’’ Mary Ainsworth (1973) In this essay I will explore the meaning and purpose of attachment and discuss research into attachment concentrating on John Bowlby’s 1944 â€Å"44 thieves† study conducted to test his maternal deprivation theory and Schaffer Emerson’s 1964 â€Å" Glasgow babies† study. There are two approaches to attachment; evolutionary theory and behavioural theory, and for the purposes of this essay I will focus largely on the evolutionary school of thought. Attachments are intrinsic to a child’s development both in the short term and for the duration of their lives. Infants have an innate need to develop an attachment with their mother to ensure their survival and are equipped with evolutionary characteristics called social releasers; physical social releasers such as large eyes and a small chin are found to be more aesthetically pleasing to the parents so they are more likely to care for them and behavioural social releasers for example, crying; very young infants typically only cry if they re hungry, cold or in pain (Gross 2015 p535) this alerts the parents to an infants immediate need. At around 7 or 8 months of age children begin to make specific attachments for reasons other than survival, children display proximity maintaining behaviour normally with the mother,Show MoreRelatedHow Do Attachments in Early Childhood Can Have Positive and Negative Consequences?1363 Words   |  6 Pages Maccoby defines attachment as `a relatively enduring emotional tie to a specific other person. Human infants seem to have an innate sense of willingness to form attachment relationships almost instantly. This bonding is naturally a two way process. One of the most influential psychologists in the field of attachments is John Bowlby. Bowlby performed his elementary psychological studies in the late 1960s, which undoubtedly caused a stir amongst close families and the setting of the timesRead MoreSecure Attachment Relationship Between Young Children And Their Families898 Words   |  4 PagesSecure Attachment Relationship The mother is usually the first and primary object of attachment for an infant, but in many cultures, babies become just as attached to their fathers, siblings, and grandparents. When infants are attached to their caregivers, they gain a secure base from which babies can explore their environment and a haven of safety to return to when they are afraid. Attachment begins with physical touching and cuddling between infant and parent. Some babies become secure or insecureRead MoreTheories Of Developmental Psychology : Attachment Theory1178 Words   |  5 PagesDescribe and evaluate two theories in developmental psychology Attachment theory, it refers to an affectionate bond. â€Å"A relatively extended and enduring connection with the partner is important as a unique individual is interchangeable with no other† Ainsworth (1989) cited in Gross (2003) hand out in class (03/06/2013).The aim of this attachment is for the infant to remain in close proximity to the attachment figure as she is considered the secure base and the infant would become distressed on separationRead MorePsychological Impacts Of Attachment Disorder1311 Words   |  6 PagesPsychological Impacts of Attachment Disorder The theory of attachment was originally developed by John Bowlby, a British psychoanalyst who was attempting to understand the extreme anguish experienced by infants who had been estranged from their parents. Attachment is the term developmental psychologists use to describe the emotional bond between infants and one or more adults. Attachment is like a security blanket. It allows infants to venture out and explore, returning to the adult as a placeRead MoreAttachment Between An Infant And A Caregiver1278 Words   |  6 PagesAmbivalent and Disorganized Attachment Theories Attachment between an Infant and a Caregiver Human nature has evolved in ways that allow for people to develop deep connections with one another. These connections are always extremely vulnerable in the very early stages of our infancy. From the moment we are born, we innately seek to forge an attachment with our caregivers; mostly because without it, we would not survive. Evidently, we are biologically programmed to bond with our mothers (or closestRead MoreSeparation And Divorce : Common Phenomena1429 Words   |  6 Pagescomes with it. Separation can destabilize the inclination that the globe or the world is safe and predictable. For young people and children, particularly younger children, the family is their world. It is the fundamental structure for providing the emotional, physical and social framework they need to develop an understanding of who they are. Children might face many losses including the loss of the family they once knew, they may loose time with parent, extended family, their family home, a pet, theyRead MoreDevelopmental Psychology and Key Person Essay1139 Words   |  5 Pageswho are still not settled in can show a different set of behaviours which are akin to depression, including withdrawal, apathy, or total compliance and be under significant stress. As above, it is important to be aware that children have enduring attachment needs and this means that the key person needs to spend time with their key child on a day to day basis. CYPOP1-3.2 Explain how babies and young children learn and develop best from a basis of loving, secure relationships with carers andRead MoreDevelopmental Psychology: Never Let Me Go Essay1048 Words   |  5 Pagesthe book, are their parents. Yet, the guardians raise the kids in a very particular way. The guardians are not affectionate towards the children, as most parents would be, and they raise them in an extremely structured setting. The guardians do not bond with the children because, although the guardians at Hailsham believe the kids are more than just clones, society still looks at them as creatures. The way the guardians raise the children at Hailsham is proved to us, as the story progresses, thatRead MoreThe Theory Of Developmental Psychology1336 Words   |  6 PagesDevelopmental psychology is viewed as different approaches which aims to look at how children and adults develop. Theories such as Bowlby s attachment theory can explain how a child s development can be alter ed by their attachment, thus leading to the ideology of the nature vs nurture debate, nature referring to the process of biological maturation while nurture is referring to the impact of the environment or surroundings, which involves the idea that a person learns through experiences. (McLeodRead MoreAttachment Styles And Its Effect On Adult Romantic Relationships1739 Words   |  7 PagesAttachment Styles and its Effect on Adult Romantic Relationships Attachment is a deep and enduring emotional bond that connects a caregiver to their child. The relationship between the caregiver and the child plays a vital role in the child’s behavior, mind, and emotions at any time in their life, from child to adulthood. A child’s attachment style is developed through childhood experiences. Depending on the style of attachment influences how a person reacts to their needs and how they go about

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Departmentalization free essay sample

Discuss the factors that influence a firm’s organizational structure. Explain specialization and departmentalization as two of the building blocks of organizational structure. Describe centralization and decentralization, delegation, and authority as the key ingredients in establishing the decision-making hierarchy. Explain the differences among functional, divisional, matrix, and international organizational structures and describe the most popular new forms of organizational design. Describe the informal organization and discuss intrapreneuring. For years, the Sara Lee Corporation grew by buying an amalgam of different businesses and piecing them together under its corporate umbrella. And for years, the firm’s senior managers have struggled with how best to structure the various Sara Lee holdings. One former long-term CEO, John Bryan, presided over growth that took Sara Lee far beyond   its foundation in food products to encompass dozens of business lines—everything from cake mixes to insecticide to lingerie. The various businesses were acquisitions, but their original managers still controlled each one as if it were a separate company. We will write a custom essay sample on Departmentalization or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Hence, each business retained its own legal department, human resource staff, administrative units, accounting departments, and so forth. Calculating the cost of all this duplication, Bryan reached the conclusion that the company could not afford such high costs at a time when price compe—Consumer-products analyst on one of the drawbacks tition was heating up. In an effort to fix things, starting in 1997, Bryan of extensive reorganization sold or eliminated about one-quarter of the firm’s 200 products. He cut redundant factories and the workforce, reduced the number of products, and standardized companywide processes. His goal was to remove Sara Lee from manufacturing while strengthening its focus and effectiveness as a marketer. In the meantime, though, he continued to acquire rival firms in order to sustain the company’s growth. However, despite Bryan’s efforts, Sara Lee still suffered from high costs and remained unfocused and inefficient. Said one industry analyst about Bryan’s strategy: â€Å"Sometimes, the more chairs you move around, the more dust you see behind the chairs. In 2000, Bryan retired and was replaced by C. Steven McMillan. McMillan knew that Bryan’s moves had had little impact on the firm’s performance and that he himself would need to start making some big changes. Borrowing a page from rival Kraft Foods, he began by merging the sales forces that specialized in various brands to create smaller, 173 Sometimes, the more chairs you move around, the more dust you see behind the chairs. The Business of Managing customer-focused teams. In meats alone, for instance, Sara Lee had 10 different brands, including Ball Park, Hillshire Farms, Bryan, and Jimmy Dean. So if you’re . . . a Kroger or a Safeway [supermarket],† explained McMillan, â€Å"you’ve got to deal with 10 different organizations and multiple invoices. † The new customer-focused teams reduced duplication and were more convenient for buyers—a win-win situation. National retailers responded by increasing their orders for Sara Lee products. McMillan also centralized decision making at the firm by shutting down 50 weaker regional brands and reorganizing the firm into three broad product categories: Food and Beverage, Intimates and Underwear, and Household Products. He abolished several layers of corporate hierarchy, including many of the middle managers the firm had inherited from its acquisitions. He created category managers to oversee related lines of business, and the flattened organizational structure led to improved accountability and more centralized control over Sara Lee’s far-flung operations. McMillan also borrowed some tactics from his predecessor, selling 15 businesses, including Coach leather goods, and laying off 10 percent of his workers. In another move that was widely questioned by industry observers, he paid $2. 8 billion for breadmaker Earthgrains. The move increased Sara Lee’s market share in baked goods, but many observers felt that McMillan paid too much for a small potential return.  ¦ Our opening story continues on page. Sara Lee has been undergoing changes over the past several years, most of them aimed at improving the organization’s structure. As a result, people who work for Sara Lee have had to continually work to understand their â€Å"place† in the organization. By understanding the material in this chapter, you’ll also be prepared to understand your â€Å"place† in the organization that employs you. Similarly, as a boss or owner, you’ll be better equipped to create the optimal structure for your own organization. This chapter examines factors that influence a firm’s organizational structure. We discuss the building blocks of organizational structure as well as the differences between decision making in different types of organizations. Along the way, we look at a variety of organizational structures and describe the most popular new forms of organizational design.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Metaphysical Poetry free essay sample

Metaphysical Poetry The term ‘metaphysical poets’ came into being long after the the poets, to whom it is applied, were dead. What later came to be known as ‘metaphysical poetry’ was referred to, by contemporaries, as ‘strong lived’- a term which meant something more than the poet’s fondness for indulging in nice speculations of philosophy. A metaphysical poem tends to be brief, and is always closely woven. Marvell, under the metaphor of a Coronet characterizes his own art precisely in The Coronet, when he speaks of a ‘curious fume’ in which the flowers are set with skills and chosen out with care . Concentration and a sinewy strength of style are distinctive marks of Donne’s poetry. A stanza from Donne or Herbert is like a limiting frame in which words and thoughts are compressed, ‘a box where sweets compacted lie’ . The other characteristic of metaphysical poetry, its most immediately striking feature is its fondness for conceits. We will write a custom essay sample on Metaphysical Poetry or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A conceit is a comparison whose ingenuity is more striking. All comparisons discover likeness in things unlike a comparison because a conceit when we are made to concede likeness while being strongly conscious of unlikeness.In a metaphysical poem, conceits are instruments of definition. In an argument or instruments to persuade. The poem has something to say which the conceit helps to forward. The metaphysical conceit aims at making us concede aptness while admiring ingenuity. Thus in one of the most famous of all metaphysical conceits, the comparison of the union is absence of two lovers with the relation between the two legs of compass, Donne sustains the comparison through the whole process of drawing a circle. Donne, in fact tries to give a proof by analogy of their union and thereby finally persuade his mistress not to mourn. The whole frame of the poem’, Donne believes, ‘is a beating out of a piece of gold’. Arguments and persuasions and the use of conceit as their instrument, are the elements or body of a metaphysical poem. A reader of metaphysical poetry may at times, explain: â€Å"who would ever think such a thought in such a situation? † He will probably never explain : â€Å"who can imagine himself in such a situation? †. Dryden praised Donne for expressing deep thought in common language. He is usually remarkable for having extraordinary thoughts in ordinary situations.The ‘metaphysical poems’ do not necessarily or always draw upon metaphysics or profound philosophy. The term, in fact, was coined by Dr. Johnson as a negative compliment to the poets of the seventeenth century. Johnson probably took offense at their violent yoking of unlike ideas and images and their staining after intellectualistic, Johnson disliked, what one might call, their ironic detachment, their lack of uniform sentiment, their refusal to allow the reader to identify himself emotionally, with the speaker.The metaphysical poets didn’t live up to demands for smoothness of versification and beauty of sound which Johnson admired in Pope. The only good Johnson could find in them is some intellectual labor, learning and ingenuity or Johnson could never agree that after the dissociation, these poets could put the material together again in a new unity. There is Mr.Eliot on the other hand who believes that the poets of the 17th century possessed a mechanism of sensibility which could devour any kind of experience and it’s probably, this quality of the ‘metaphysical poets’ which has really inspired the poets of our age to go back to these poets for a rediscovery. One really finds it very difficult to make a very sharp classification among the poets of 17th century. All of them- Donne, Herbert, Gashaw, Vaugham, Marvell have certain qualities in common and still they all retain certain qualities which are particularly their own. To be continued†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..